A Meeting of Gold and Silver
The Knight That Went Away

ADNU HS Batch 1966 prepares for 2016
Memorialising the late educator Fr. James O’brien, SJ
It’s no small task when you decide to amplify the advocacy of a man to make it inviting and relevant today.
The man I am referring to is Fr. James O’Brien, SJ, who taught hundreds of youths at the Ateneo de Naga and pioneered the teaching of Bikol history and culture. His primary advocacy was to inculcate in his students the supreme value of loving the Bikol culture. Since his assignment at the Ateneo de Naga as a young Jesuit scholastic in the ‘50s, this had always been his advocacy.
Today, as the members of the Ateneo de Naga High School Batch of 1966 prepare to celebrate their Golden Jubilee in 2016, they decided to make the “legacy of Fr. OB ever alive,” as Nicol Miraflores, a member of Batch ’66 based in New York, put it.
Concretely, Batch ’66 has committed to Ateneo de Naga University to financially support the setting up of what the former calls “OBikoliana.”
Continue reading from source: Bayanihan, The Community Newspaper of Australia